About Me

We are a family of five (yes we count our dog) who are loving every minute that the Lord has blessed us with!

Monday, December 22, 2008

New Do...

So, I have a wild hair (no pun intended) and have decided that I think I want my hair cut off again. Poor Jessie (the girl that I grew up with who is FABULOUS and I drive all the way back to my home town to get her to cut my hair) is always having to deal with these moods. I will grow it out for a bit and then cut it back off and start all over again. I was debating, but when I asked Ryan he said "I liked it when it was shorter!" So... now the only question is how short to go. So, what do you think?
How I was planning on growing it out...

Options for a cut...
not sure it this is actually cut or just back, but I like it

Minus the in your eyes part...

Little longer
Posh Style
So...your opinion?


DeLine Family said...

I love the Jenn Anistion cut, but for a short cut, I vote Jessica Simpson or Posh!!!

The Sinclairs said...

Oh, you shouldn't have! I'm a short-hair fan, and I've been trying to grow my hair out since last summer. Now it's getting in that funky stage (well, it's been in it awhile) and here you are presenting me with temptation to get it cut! Just kidding...I'll keep on keeping on! I think I like the Posh style... that's kind of how I had mine for a while and it was pretty easy to fix. That's a plus these days right?

You guys have a great FIRST Christmas with Lucy McLean. It's going to be fun isn't it? We're looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I like Jessica Simpson pic...I cut mine off but it is more like the Wynona Ryder cut. Its ok but I want to grow it out now. I always want my hair different than it is at that moment!!! Kristin

Belue said...

Wow...this is a hard decision. I think that I like the funky cut. It would be cute on your face and different at the same time. When are you going to get it cut?
Merry Christmas!!

erinshelton said...

I made an appointment with Jessie for this afternoon. I took a pic of each of these pics. I will check "the poles" before I go. I will let you ladies know what happens!