Today you will turn three years old! I can hardly believe it. As your mama, three seems like such a big number. It seems like yesterday that we didn't even know if you were going to be a boy or a girl. Although your "birthday" was a very difficult day, I know that the Lord had that special day planned perfectly. You came in to this world in a difficult manner and have continued to keep us on our toes for three years!
Some of my favorite things about you right now are:
- The way you love your little brother and try to include him (for the most part ;)
- The way you run out to greet your Grampy every day when he gets home
- The way you love to rough house with your daddy and belly laugh with him
- The way you want to be soo much like your Grammy and like to "help" her
- The way you get so excited and grin from ear to ear so tightly that it looks like it hurts your cheeks, then kiss me, then say "Ohh I love you mama" and grin again!
- The way you love to make people laugh
- The way you sing!
- The way you love to roll the windows down in the car and belly laugh swaying your head from side to side
- The way that you pray for your Nana and Papaw every night...NO MATTER WHAT!!!
- The way you listen in church and are curious about God!
- The way you ask ANY child that you encounter "What's your name" and say "It's nice to meet you" and then turn to me and say "Mama his/her name is ________" (like I wasn't there for the conversation.)
- Your thick southern accent
- The way you want to wear boots or flip flops with everything!
- The way you root for the Falcons and say "U-L-L-A" at ball games.
- The way you say "I'm special to God!"
- Oh and so much more!
Lucy McLean you are a very special little girl. You are so much fun to raise and I feel very blessed that the Lord gave me and your Daddy such a fun and sassy little girl to watch grow up. My prayer for you is that you continue to want to learn about God and that you would take the step of faith to trust Jesus at a young age. I pray that the world's hurt and pain, although is inevitable, is minimal. I pray that the Lord will help you continue to be strong-willed, and that he uses it for His kingdom. I pray that you find godly friends that will be lifelong friends! I pray that you always remain your daddy's little girl and that you always adore your Grampy and Papaw as much as you do today!I pray that the Lord brings a strong man in your life (when you are 30) for you to walk life's journey with. I pray that you grow to love yourself for the amazing little girl that God made you and that you accept yourself just as you are (for God makes no mistakes).
I love you more than you can imagine, and God loves you more than I could ever imagine loving you! WOW, that certainly puts things in perspective. I hope you have a fabulous birthday and that you feel the love that your family has for you.
I love you Lucy Mac!
Minutes Old on your "Birthday"