About Me

We are a family of five (yes we count our dog) who are loving every minute that the Lord has blessed us with!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A BAD Toothache

Ryan had a great time fishing with my dad (200 some odd pictures to come). He did, however, loose his crown for the 5th time. He didn't think much of it and went on as planned. We went on to our marriage retreat this weekend (which was a blast... more about that later). His tooth started to hurt pretty bad Saturday. By yesterday, he was taking medicine for it. He went on to the dentist first thing this morning, where they discovered that his tooth was fractured. They tried pulling it and it broke off. So, at 10:15 I get a call to come pick him up from Dr. Ohlsson's office. He is in horrible pain at this point. We had to drive to Asheville where they had to put him to sleep and do "emergency oral surgery"... aka knock him out and pull what was left of his roots out. OUCH! He handled it amazingly and is now sleeping peacefully with this cutie patootie above. Ahhh... to have our family back together again is priceless. Say a prayer that he wakes up with minimal pain!
P.S. Dr. Ohlsson is not to blame and he was great. He actually just called the house to check on him. I love living in a small town where people care!

1 comment:

DeLine Family said...

So sorry about the toothache! That stinks! LM is getting so big and she's absolutely precious!! BTW...I love the new blog background!