About Me

We are a family of five (yes we count our dog) who are loving every minute that the Lord has blessed us with!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Baby's Daddy!

We had our Childbirth Prep class last weekend and Ryan was wonderful. He actually knew way more than I did. Glad he is in this thing with me! They asked for volunteers to put on the c-section garb, so no one would be freaked out if their hubby ended up looking like this. Of course, Ryan volunteered. We were all in the other room waiting on him to change when we heard "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDIN' ME!" Yep, that would be my husband. He did a great job role playing c-section daddy.

I can't believe that in less than 3 months, we are going to be parents. I can't imagine Baby S having a better father than Ryan. He is soo good with kids. I love being in the nursery with him on Sunday mornings and mom's getting excited with their children and saying "Look who it is, it's Mr. Ryan!"as they hand over their child. I love being around friends and their children's arms reaching out when they see Ryan. I even love seeing how Ryan loves on Snoop and acts as if he is his "little boy".

We went over to the Monk's last night to meet William (pictures to come soon). It was great to see Ryan so comfortable wanting to hold this newborn. I know that he one heck of a father and I can't wait to share this experience with him. I know that no matter if our child is a boy or a girl, they will have their daddy wrapped around their finger. He is amazing! Thank you Lord for this blessing!

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