Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

A New Woman... well, her old self!

Mom is doing much better. Her doctor agreed with the doctor at the hospital and kept Mom on all of her medications that she had been put on. She is trying to take it easy, which means running around like a chicken with her head cut off for her! Thank you for all of your prayers. Even though I knew she was going to be okay, it was still scary to see her sick.

We are staying here through the weekend so we can help out. Lucy McLean is loving all of her time with Grammy and Grampy. She has had lots of visitors. Grampy bought a new golf cart and they have been taking nightly rides. We took a trip to see Pete last night. She turned 91 yesterday! Pictures to come soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mom Update

Mom is feeling much better. She was able to watch HGTV today and even ate all three meals. God is good! We go back to the doctor tomorrow morning to find out more. Thanks for all of your prayers.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Update...but no real "news"

Mom always says "no news is good news", but it is annoying to her Type A daughter. I just called her room and she sounds much better, but says she is still in a lot of pain. The doctors aren't giving her any clear answers. They are saying that they think the pain is just a combination of the bite and the fall. With all of the tests that they are running, you would think that they could tell us a little more. They are saying that she can come home today. I am excited to have her home, but apprehensive about her leaving the hospital and still being in as much pain as she is with very little answers. Please pray specifically for:
1) mom's pain would go away
2) wisdom as to whether or not we shoudl advocate for her to stay in the hospital, be transferred, or come home.
3) answers

An answered prayer would be that this happened during the summer when Patricia is home from college. Patricia works for mom in the kennel and has been amazing!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pray for Mom

Mom with my cousin's daughter, Courtney
Hello fellow bloggers. LM and I have made our way to Rowan County today. My mom has had a crazy week that has landed her in the hospital. She was bitten by a dog on Wednesday. On Thursday, she started running a fever. As you can imagine, business is booming this week (she owns a doggy daycare and boarding) so work was still to be done. On Friday, she was mopping and slipped on the floor in the kennel, falling right on her head (very unlike mom). She has felt pretty bad since then. She started puking pretty bad last night and my dad took her to the hospital. They admitted her, but aren't giving us very many answers. All we know is that the dog bite is infected and her scans of her head looked fine. She is still complaning that her head is throbbing and she is still sick to her stomach. For those of you who know my mom, you know that she has an incredibly high pain tolerance, so I know that she is in a lot of pain. My mom amazes me with her strength, so it is scary to know that she felt bad enough to go to the hospital. I went to go see her tonight, but she didn't really enjoy company. She can barely keep her eyes open and hates for people to see her sick. I am sure she will be okay, but it is still hard to see her in so much pain. Please pray that we will get some answers tomorrow and that the Lord would heal her and specifically that He would take away the pain she is experiencing.

THANKS! God Bless!

More Beach

Daddy had to take Miss Social Butterfly away from her new friends!

Beach Day 1

So, long time no see fellow bloggers. We cancelled our internet at home, so since school is out for summer, I haven't had access to the internet. Not that I would EVER update my blog at work ;). So, we still exist and are loving summer. We went to the beach with Ryan's family last week. Here are pictures from Day 1.

LM loved Noah's car float. She basically lived in it while we were in the house!
LM and Noah

Cutie Patootie Noah