Friday, January 30, 2009


I didn't realize that Erin Michelle had a blog...sooo... YOU ARE IT!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm IT!

Ok so the wonderful Mrs. Deline tagged me. So, here are 10 HONEST things about me. (p.s. I am teaching about honesty this month in my guidance classes... craziness)

1. I am very organized when it comes to work. I slack on it a little at home. I LOVE LOVE LOVE "to do" lists and sometimes even write down things that I have already accomplished, just so I can check them off! (please tell me I'm not the only one).

2. My parents were right... while I loved my wedding day, Ryan and I wish we would have taken the money! It was great, but we would have been just as married had we just had our parents there. Maybe we could have paid off a few things?! hmm!!!

3. I love Jesus! More and more, I realize that I have lived a "religious" life and have not had my heart in the right place. In growing in my relationship with Christ, I realize daily how amazing God is and how blessed I feel. P.S. Please pray for me. I am doing Route 66 with Melissa. We are reading the entire Bible in '09! I struggle!

4. I am homesick! I love Brevard and want so badly to raise LM and any other siblings the Lord might bless her with here. I do, however, wish I were closer to my parents, grandmother and extended family. In my dream world, Rowan County would only be 30 minutes to an hour away. Maybe I can still talk my parents in to packing it all up and moving to Brevard!!! With this being said, I am still very open and understand that the Lord can uproot me at any time. Who knows what is in our future?

5. I love George Bush. I know...I know ( I can hear your moans now). But, I am proud of knowing that I voted for George Bush and trust that he prayed his entire way through his presidency. While I did not agree with every decision he made, I respect him for the godly man that he is. I also don' t think that I can honestly say that anyone could have handled the tragedies and sorrow that he faced during the last 8 years any better than he did. On that note, I will respect and pray for President Obama. In Route 66, I recently read this scripture. While I have heard it before, it meant something new to me this time ...

" Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established.." Romans 13:1.

I understand that we all have our opinions of Obama and every other political figure in the US. My opinion is to keep on reading in God's word, pray for them, but not worship them! After all, being a political figure doesn't mean you aren't human!

6. I knew I would marry Ryan before I ever met him. Seth introduced us in college and I have to say, our first conversations were via AIM. Do people still use that? Anyways... we finally spoke on the phone and after our conversation, I turned to my roomate at the time (Erin Michelle) and said... "Is it possible to know you are going to marry someone before you meet them?" Here we are married and raising a baby!

7. I love my job. I miss LM like crazy during the day and wish so bad that I could have it all, but realize every day as I leave work, that this is where the Lord wants me. I love being with kids and trudging through messy situations with them. I love knowing that the Lord speaks through me and that I can pray over 555 kids daily. It is not an easy job and I come home crying and wanting to lock LM in a bubble on days, but it is a job where I feel completely blessed.

8. I want a house full of youngins. If any of you have ever seen my house, I am sure you are thinking "Check that one off honey!" I know, our house is tiny now, but we consider it a stepping stone! Gotta start off somewhere!!! Eventually, we would love to have 4 (or so) kids. I dream of playing games with my family, laughing with them, reading the Bible with them, swimming, watching their daddy wrestle with them. I am completely in love with my husband and think that he is the best daddy ever. Ahhh... it warms my heart!

9. I feel a special bond with the ladies that I met at Auburn. While I don't get to talk to them as often as I would like and we are down to annual trips now, I miss you ladies and love you more than you know. I cherish the memories of my first year of teaching. I cherish the pain and hurt that we dealt with together through trying times. I cherish times at ball games, at Laredos, at Carver Primary, at Opelika High Football games, walking together, all of it. I wish so badly that I could take all of you and just have sacred time to catch up. THank you for inspiring me, for listening to me, for praying for me and with me, for being as excited as I was when Ryan and I got engaged, for loving on me through my grief, for trying your hardest over the last few years, to stay in touch.

10. I am my mom! Friends from my hometown used to call me "Little Pam". They usually did this when I was showing my assertive side. As I grow, I realize how amazing my mom is. She is a remarkably strong woman. I admire my mom for a million reasons, but that is another post all in itself. I am proud when people say that I am anything like my mom... looks, assertiveness, strength, brains, everything. Wish I got her height though... pretty upset about that.

So, there are my 10 things. I am going to tagg Jamie Cook (who has all the time in the world with her newborn Lila), Anna Cranford, Jennifer Sinclair, Rebecca Denton (because you need a stinkin' blog with that cutie patootie of yours), Alyse Aiken, Beth Hooper, and Allison Fambro... YOU ARE IT... GO!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Cousin and a New Bruise

This past week has been packed for Lucy McLean. On Friday night, Josh and Jamie welcomed Miss Lila in to the world. She is precious and we can't wait to meet our new cousin!

On Monday, LM got her "first...REAL" shiner. She has had a few bumps and bruises, but this one was for sure a shiner. She is getting very brave about walking around things and this time... well... it didn't work out for her! She hit the lip of a cabinet.
LM and Ryan both spent the night away from me on Monday. Ryan took LM to my parents. while he went to a conference. She had a blast with my parents and my grandmother. She is pretty worn out today.
Snow is off and on here. We had a good snow Monday night and a little more last night. We are on our 3rd workday in a row without kids. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tubby Time mom and dad are letting me shower by myself now. Here are some pictures of how much fun I have. Although, I am not sure how long this may last. I have one of those showers with the hose....and it's cool that where ever you point the sprayer, water will shoot a really long way. So far, due to the amount of fun that I am having, mom and dad are thinking about installing a new drainage system and dryer for the bathroom floor. I can spray me and all the walls of the bathroom from the tub, and everything else in the bathroom too! It's AWESOME!!! I never imagined having this much fun in the tub!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lucy McLean Running

Lucy McLean has a difficult time walking when you hold her hands, but boy can she run. Here is a clip of her "racing" Snoop with Daddy! ENJOY!!

First Bloody Boo Boo

While LM has had her fair share of bumps and bruises now that she is crawling around like a mad woman (and walking when she can hold on to things), she had her first boo boo that required a bandaid yesterday. I had broken glass the night before and vacuumed. I thought that I had everything up, but obviously not. She was playing in the living room and started screaming bloody murder. Once Ryan picked her up, she was fine. A few minutes later, he went to hand her to me and noticed he had blood all over his shirt. We quickly figured out that she had stepped on a piece of glass and her foot was bleeding. Nothing some neosporin and an animated bandaid (and some TLC from Mama and Daddy) couldn't fix!
P.S. No one told me that babies bleed like stuck pigs. One little cut and you would have thought someone shot her foot off!... Ok, maybe that is an exageration, but it looked like a lot of blood!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

LM and Lucille

I just found these pictures that Ryan took of LM and her namesake. Lucille is Ryan's grandmother. She is HILARIOUS and precious, all boxed up in one fiesty little package. She has had a difficult few months. We were so excited to get to spend some time with her over Christmas. Lucy McLean ate up hanging out with her. Here are the precious pictures that Ryan took...
Mmmm... that finger tastes good!
I got ya!
Not only does she let me take my socks off... she helps!
In love!
Lucille, we love you!
Ryan, Erin, Lucy McLean and Snoop